Saturday, August 17, 2013

Waiting... Wondering... Hoping... There is no better legacy to leave behind than a beating heart that would not be there had it not been for you. RESCUE! Until you do, you can't begin to imagine the LOVE you feel and get in return.

Hahaha so true!
Hahaha so true!
Waiting... Wondering... Hoping... There is no better legacy to leave behind than a beating heart that would not be there had it not been for you. RESCUE! Until you do, you can't begin to imagine the LOVE you feel and get in return.
Waiting...  Wondering... Hoping... There is no better legacy to leave behind than a beating heart that would not be there had it not been for you.  RESCUE!  Until you do, you can
SO funny when its not in your own house #squealable
SO funny when its not in your own house #squealable

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